Examples of error conditions include an invalid RVLC codeword, such as wrong marker bits in the expected locations of ESCAPE symbols; decoded codeword from an ESCAPE symbol results in (run, length, level) information that should have been encoded by a regular (non-ESCAPE) symbol; more than ...
The resulting six systems that will be referenced in this paper are UGT71C5, UGT71C5-UPG, UGT71C5-UPG-ABA, UGT71C5-UPG-ABA−, UGT71C5-SSH-UPG-ABA, and UGT71C5-SSH-UPG-ABA−, with the superscript minus symbol on ABA indicating deprotonated ABA. We carried out three replicate ...
Then, the parameters of RS(𝑛,𝑘)(n,k) codes with length n and dimension k are defined as 𝑛=2𝑞−1,𝜏=⌊(𝑛−𝑘)2⌋n=2q-1,τ=⌊(n-k)2⌋, where 𝜏τ denotes the maximum number of symbol errors that the RS decoder can correct. The code rate of RS ...