Agilent Reversed‑Phase Columns User Guide Agilent 逆相カラムユーザーガイド Guide d'utilisation des colonnes à phase inverse d'Agilent Säulenbenutzerhandbuch für Agilent Umkehrphasensäulen Guida all'uso per colonne a fase inversa Agilent Guía del usuario para las columnas de fase ...
Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2 074188 Acclaim RSLC 120 C8 Analytical Columns Acclaim RSLC C8, 2.2 µm Analytical (2.1 x 30 mm) 072614 Acclaim RSLC 120, C8, 2.2µm, 2.1 x 50 mm 072615 Acclaim RSLC 120, C8, 2.2µm, 2.1 x 100 mm 072616 Acclaim RSLC 120, C8, 2.2...
Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188 Acclaim RSLC 120 C8 Analytical Columns Acclaim RSLC C8, 2.2 ?m Analytical (2.1 x 30 mm)072614 Acclaim RSLC 120, C8, 2.2?m, 2.1 x 50 mm072615 Acclaim RSLC 120, C8, 2.2?m, 2.1 x 100 mm072616 ...
蛋白纯化反相柱(reversed phase column)的选择 HP-RPC的选择首先要看蛋白质的分子量,20kDa左右的一般用C4或C8,再小一点的可以用C18,太大的蛋白并不适于反相分离。C18通用性最好,但是有时候保留过强可能会导致收率较低。如果目的蛋白不是很针对,可以考虑通用性最强的C18柱。 一般来说,4.6mm的内径比较常见,250mm...
网络反相柱 网络释义 1. 反相柱 电子类... ... reverse video, 反相显示reversed-phase column,反相柱reversed-phase liquid chromatography, 反相液相色谱法 ...|基于50个网页
5) reversed-phase column chromatography 反相柱色谱 1. A process impurity(~ 4%,w/w) was isolated from losartan crude by low-pressurereversed-phase column chromatography. 采用反相柱色谱法对洛沙坦原料中的洛沙坦同分异构体杂质(含量约4%)进行了分离制备。
phase column and then solvent is added to flush the sample through the stationary phase. Because the stationary phase in a reversed-phase HPLC column is non-polar, the polar components of the sample will drain from the column first, followed by the non-polar components. Reversed-...
, phenyl-hexyl, and PFP. These stationary phases also come in different sorbents such as porous silica, solid core silica, and polymeric resin. By switching between different stationary phases, it is possible to control how strongly your molecules of interest are retai...
• Unique selectivity complementary to other reversed-phase columns • Compatibility with highly aqueous mobile phases • High-quality columns with low column bleed, high efficiency, and rugged packing Acclaim C30 columns are available in 3 and 5μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm ...
Acclaim 120 C8 Reversed-Phase LC Column59122 价格 ¥ 0.00 起订数 1套起批 发货地 上海 商品类型 仪器仪表 、 分析仪器 、 色谱 商品关键词 Acclaim120、 赛默飞、 反相液相色谱柱 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: Thermo 产品特性: 3μm 是否进口: 否 产地: 美国 加工定制: 是 控温范围: 0℃...