Queen of Swords is the positive omen in the finances that indicates a period of opportunities. It signifies that now is the time when you can invest in finances and create profits out of good financial deals. The card also indicates that you have been through hard times when you had no mo...
As a Yes/No card-No card. Five Of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning When the Five of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it normally suggests that hard times are now behind you. You are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the world appears to be a much bette...
The creator of this OM got swept by it :P Don't want to double post so I'll say this here: DON'T unban Necrozma-DW. KyuB syndrome or not, it has something very important that Kyurem lacks: Swords Dance. And before you say "Meh Kartana has higher atk in OU and SD too", Kart...