In alove tarot reading, the reversed card of Queen of Swords indicates that you are in a relationship with someone or you as a partner possess traits of negativity, obsession, and disloyalty. The card signifies that you or your partner may cheat or try to manipulate another partner for their...
In my tarot readings I always draw this when someone is lying to the other, especially if near the moon or next door to the 10 of swords. It doesn't necessarily indicate infidelity. An absence of communication, or even a lack of honesty about money, could be the reason for these situat...
The Nine of Cups represents wishes fulfilled. In love, joyous connections. In money, financial contentment. In health, well-being thrives. Positivity reigns.
10 of Pentacles Tarot Guide: Upright & Reversed Five of Swords 3 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning: Upright & Reversed 10 of Cups Tarot Card: Upright & Reversed 7 of Cups Meaning in Tarot: Upright & Reversed 9 of cups Tarot Guide: Upright & Reversed Two of Cups Four of Pentacles Tarot Card ...
Swords include words and writing, after all. Meditation, in particular, is a powerful tool in this regard. If you don’t do it now, it would be a good time to start a simple little practice. It can be as basic as setting a timer for 10 minutes and listening to the hum of ...