A normal curve and a hyper-kyphotic curve of the spine We all have akyphosis,or at least we ought to – it’s the natural outward curve of the upper back, which balances the inward curves of the neck and the low back. Hyper-kyphosisis different. The outward curve becomes exaggerated, ...
Press down with your hands to lift your thoracic spine toward your sternum and your sternum toward the ceiling. Inflate your chest. Allow your head to drop back, making sure the curve of your neck is a continuation of the curve of your upper back Hold for 5–10 breaths. Press into your...
Bend your legs at the knee and brace your abs to slowly raise your legs so the knees are directly over your hips and your lower legs are parallel to the floor (bent 90 degrees). This is the starting position. Brace the abdominal muscles and hold a neutral spine position with a slight ...
Both hip and spine bone mineral density (BMD, g/cm2) was measured using Hologic Discovery-A dual energy x-ray absorptiometry machines (Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA), following standard procedures recommended in the operation manual. The machines were calibrated daily by physicians from the radiology...