Reverse osmosis(RO) device 反渗透(RO)装置 Reverse Osmosis (RO) System Our reverse osmosis system integration technology started in 1999. We have many reverse osmosis system application references in industries such as electric power, petrochemical, metallurgy, and pharmaceutical, etc. The RDR patent ...
意思是:反渗透系统 以下是双语例句:1. RO ( the REVERSE OSMOSIS ) system is the most economical process for salt removing from water.是目前所有脱盐方法中能耗最低的一种.2. Industrial seawater Reverse Osmosis system provides high - purity water for combustion turbine power plants.工业用...
血液透析用水处理设备Reverse Osmosis System,该产品由泵、反渗透膜组、前置过滤器、内毒素过滤器、管道、反渗透膜罐、框架、微处理监控、报警系统、显示面板和热消毒装置组成,为直接供水的双级水处理设备,型号差异在于反渗透膜组模块的不同。,血液透析用水处理设备Revers
这是《珠海市吉大澳深水处理设备经营部 》所生产的纯水机!
reverse osmosis system 释义 反渗透系统 实用场景例句 全部 RO ( the REVERSE OSMOSIS ) system is the most economical process for salt removing from water. 是目前所有脱盐方法中能耗最低的一种. 互联网 Industrial seawaterReverse Osmosis systemprovides high - purity water for combustion turbine power ...
reverse osmosis system 美 英 un.反渗透系统 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 反渗透系统 例句 释义: 全部,反渗透系统
A reverse osmosis system includes a sediment filter which cleans feed water from a source and from which that feed water is fed to a reverse osmosis membrane filter. Permeate from the latter is fed to a bladder within a storage tank. Concentrate from the membrane filter is fed to and used...
In a reverse osmosis processs the liq. to be treated is first raised to the working press. and then introduced into a closed circuit contg. a membrane appts. The soln. is recirculated around the closed circuit until a predetermined concn. is reaches, and the conc. is removed either cont...
Reverse Osmosis System (6000 L/H), Find Details and Price about Beverage Treatment Plant Beverage Treatment from Reverse Osmosis System (6000 L/H) - Wenzhou Hengtong Water Treatment Co., Ltd.
ReverseOsmosisis,simplyput,averyfinefiltrationprocess,whichoccurs atamolecularlevel.Theprocessinvolvesforcingwaterthroughasemi- permeableMembrane,whichallowsonlyagivensizeofmoleculetopass, andRejectstherest.Ineffect,theporesorholesinthemembraneareso smallthatmostoftheharmfulmineralsandchemicalscannotpass,while watermo...