WikiMatrix The only way to do that is from a reverse osmosis filter. الطريقة الوحيدة لفعل ذلك.. هي مرشح تناضح عكسي OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Reverse osmosis removes ionized salts, colloids, ...
The plant is fully automatic built with state of the art technology consisting of intake system, upflow filter, disc filters, ultrafiltration (UF) system, RO system, remineralization system, and outfall system. Pressure exchangers that recover brine energy enables plant operation with low specific ...
WikiMatrix 9) used for high pressure andreverse flushingoil filter, etc.; ParaCrawl Corpus Now, flush the radiator from the bottom; this may be calledreverse flush. ParaCrawl Corpus Put simply, this means that once the filter starts clogging, the devicereversesthe thrust with a lot of power ...
The techniques ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis are employed in the downstream processing of drinking water. The main purpose of both these techniques is to provide safe, drinking water for thepublic. Ultrafiltration uses a membrane filter to filter out very minute particles and especially microorgani...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Reverse osmosis"翻译成 波斯尼亚文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 The only way to do that is from a reverse osmosis filter. Jedini način da to urade... je sa povratnim osmozinim filterom. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 And to not having to watch Sheldon demonstr...
ICODE 2011 : 1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment: Recent developments in non-reverse osmosis desalination and related technologiesElsevierFreelancehikmet
The two main processing methods, vacuum distillation andreverse osmosis, use large quantities of energy. Os dois principais métodos de processamento, destilação a vácuo eosmose reversa, usam grandes quantidades de energia. WikiMatrix