The result shows that the “REVERSE()” function successfully changes the order of the given string data. Example 3: Using REVERSE() Function in PL/pgSQL The following example illustrates how to check if a string is a palindrome or not: DO $$ DECLARE name TEXT := 'bob'; reverse_name ...
REVERSE is an undocumented Oracle string function, which returns the input string in its reverse order. SQL> select reverse('12345') from dual; REVER --- 54321 REVERSE函数是将数字的顺序逆序打印。 SQL> select reverse('Oracle') from dual; REVERS --- elcarO 也可以将字母的顺序逆序打印。 SQL>...
REVERSEis an undocumented Oracle string function, which returns the input string in its reverse order. SQL> select reverse('12345') from dual; REVER --- 54321 REVERSE函数是将数字的顺序逆序打印。 SQL> select reverse('Oracle') from dual; REVERS --- elcarO 也可以将字母的顺序逆序打印。 SQL> ...
UTL_RAW.REVERSE(rINRAW)RETURNRAW; 参数解释 参数描述 r要反转的RAW。 返回值 返回值描述 RAW包含r的“反向”值。 异常情况 异常描述 VALUE_ERRORr为NULL或者长度为 0。 数据库设计规范和约束 SQL 实践和建议 PL 参考(Oracle 模式) 联系我们 AI助手...
SQL> show parameter nls_lang NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- nls_language string AMERICAN 登录到笔记本的PLSQL中,由于OS是中文字符集,所以这里应该可以显示中文。 SQL> SELECT '测试' FROM dual; '测试' --- 测试 SQL> select reverse('测试') from dual; REVERSE(...
Hello, We are using EA as a metadata and model repository for large Oracle project. We do use reverse engineering and code generation on everyday basis. Is there a solution (add-in, template) toreverse engineer PLSQL package to the point of having its real functions and procedures represente...
再次,就是在sql语句中等值谓词条件中方向键索引可以提高很高的性能,但是不能进行索引范围扫描,因为这是方向键打散的结果,其次注意,在非等值谓词条件中,可能不会使用方向键索引。 序列创建语法: create sequence sequence_name [start with start] [increment by increment] ...
Use to send a batch of queries to the Search Address Reverse API in a single asynchronous request. The Get Search Address Reverse Batch API is an HTTP GET request that sends batches of queries to Search Address Reverse API in a single asynchronous API call. You can call Get Search Address...
The comprehension of legacy codes is difficult to understand. Various commercial reengineering tools are available that have unique working styles, and are equipped with their inherent capabilities and shortcomings. The focus of the available tools is in
Namespace: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel Assembly: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql (in Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll)SyntaxC# Kopiuj public sealed class SqlReverseEngineerProgressEventArgs : EventArgs The SqlReverseEngineerProgressEventArgs type exposes the following members....