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NinjaDroid is a simple tool toreverse engineeringAndroidAPK packages. Published at:https://snapcraft.io/ninjadroid $ snap install ninjadroid --channel=beta Overview NinjaDroid usesAXMLParsertogether with a series of Pythonscriptsbased onaapt,keytool,stringand such to extract a series of information...
[Debug] RESOLUTION = 0x3F, 1080/720/576/576(16:9)/480/480(16:9). [Debug] SOUND_FORMAT = 0x117, 7.1LPCM/5.1LPCM/2LPCM/5.1Dolby. [Debug] VERSION = 01.00. [Debug] PS3_SYSTEM_VER = 03.0000. [Debug] APP_VER = 01.00. [Debug] PS3LOGO.DAT: Logo. [Debug] ICON0.PNG: 320x176/...
logo.png add logo Feb 8, 2021 To flutter: to move in quick, irregular motions, to beat rapidly, to be agitated. Doldrums: a period of stagnation. Doldrums is a reverse engineering tool for Flutter apps targetting Android. Concretely, it is a parser and information extractor for the Flutter...
Scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox Emulator for shellcode and PE binaries Based on Unicorn & Capstone Engine & javascript . 💬 This is the last supported Pascal version and new code base (C/C++) will be in here Cmulator. Supported Architectures: i386 x86-64 Supported File Formats PE,...
NinjaDroid is a simple tool to reverse engineering Android APK packages. NinjaDroid uses AXMLParser together with a series of Python scripts.
lin_logo.png add logo Mar 6, 2021 Repository files navigation README Code of conduct CC0-1.0 license Security Awesome LIN Bus 🚜 Awesome Tools, Hardware And Resources For LIN Bus This list helps a reverse engineering LIN bus devices with lightly specializing in automotive embedded controller...
Reverse Engineering add iOS Reverse Engineering May 12, 2019 SockPort 2.0 exploit add SockPort 2.0 exploit Jul 24, 2019 Theos NIC templates add Theos NIC templates Nov 26, 2019 Unix Tools Cydia:APT repo for arm64 iOS devices. electrarepo64.coolstar.org 添加新的越狱插件商店deb Dec 27, 2018...
arXiv.org - arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 2,142,712 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics bioRxiv.org - The...
iOS App Reverse Engineering PDF iOS Hacking Resources iOS Jailbreak 相关文档 iOS Kernel Decompressor iOS Platform iOS-Reverse iOS-hook iOSOpenDev 安装脚本 iOSOpenDev iOSOpenDevDemo-使用 iOSOpenDev 的 CaptainHook 模板。编译的时候要选自己的手机,不要选模拟器。iOS...