In this article, we are going to explore how to reverse each word of the given string.ExampleInput: This is Kirtesh ShahResult: sihT si hsetriK hahSThis is an essential technical interview question that may be posed to beginner, intermediate, and experienced candidates....
Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Input: "Let's take LeetCode contest" Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" 1. 2. Note: In the string, each word is separated by single...
Given a strings, reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Example 1 Input:s = "Let's take LeetCode contest"Output:"s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" Example 2 Input:s = "God Ding"Output:"doG gniD" Solution 1 ...
Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Example 1: Input: "Let's take LeetCode contest" Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" Note: In the string, each word is separated by si...
Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Example 1: Input: "Let's take LeetCode contest" Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" ...
publicclassSolution{publicStringreverseWords(Strings){if(s==null)returnnull;char[]a=s.toCharArray();intn=a.length;// step 1. reverse the whole stringreverse(a,0,n-1);// step 2. reverse each wordreverseWords(a,n);// step 3. clean up spacesreturncleanSpaces(a,n);}voidreverseWords(ch...
Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Example 1: Input: “Let’s take LeetCode contest” Output: “s’teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc” ...
String is nothing but a sentence, which may contain multiple works, or just contain a single word or it may beempty. Your program must produce a String that contains the word in reverse order, for example, if the given input is"Java is Great"then your program should return"Great is ...
Example 1: Note: In the string, each word ...Leetcode——557. Reverse Words in a String III 题目原址 题目描述 Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while ...
Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order. Example 1: Input: "Let's take LeetCode contest" Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" ...