方法一:使用循环实现数组反转 publicvoidreverseArray(int[]arr){intstart=0;intend=arr.length-1;while(start<end){inttemp=arr[start];arr[start]=arr[end];arr[end]=temp;start++;end--;}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 上面的代码示例中,我们使用了一个while循环来实现数组的反转...
Java Code: // Import the Arrays class from the java.util package.importjava.util.Arrays;// Define a class named Exercise11.publicclassExercise11{// The main method where the program execution starts.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// Declare and initialize an integer array 'my_array1'.in...
reverse array java /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */importjava.util.*;importjava.lang.*;importjava.io.*;/* Name of theclasshas to be"Main"onlyiftheclassispublic. */classIdeone { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception { int[] a= {1,...
int[] originArray; //原始数组 int[] reverseArray;//反转后的数组 int length = 0; //原始数组的长度 1. 2. 3. 方案一 使用java工具类java.util.Collections中的自带方法Collections.reverse() 以下是java.util.Collections.reverse()方法的声明 public static void reverse(List<?> list) 1. 看到参数是...
Here,arris an array. reverse() Parameters Thereverse()method does not take any parameters. reverse() Return Value Returns the array after reversing the order of its elements. Note:Thereverse()method reverses the order of elements in place, it means the method changes the original array. ...
三种反转数组的方法: public class ReverseArray { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr...= { 11,22,33,55,66,88}; printArray(arr); ...
For example, suppose a is an array of strings. Then: text/java Másolás Arrays.sort(a, Collections.reverseOrder()); sorts the array in reverse-lexicographic (alphabetical) order. The returned comparator is serializable. Java documentation for java.util.Collections.reverseOrder(). Portions of...
[6094星][5m] [Java] qihoo360/replugin RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework [5195星][19d] [Py] mobsf/mobile-security-framework-mobsf Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malwar...
In this approach, we use the toCharArray method of string to convert it into a character array first. After converting the given string into a character array we just iterate the array from the last position and append the characters into an empty string similar to what we have done in meth...
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; // Class of ReverseString class TechDecodeTutorials { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = "TechDecodeTutorials"; // getBytes() method to convert string // into bytes[]. byte[] strAsByteArray = input.getBytes(); byte[] result...