Python has an in built sort function but that would return the array in an alphabetic order. Eg. python # sort short_names in reverse alphabetic order.short_names = ['Jan','Sam','Ann','Joe','Tod'] short_names.sort()print(" sorted array is :",short_names) ...
Array Reversal for(i = 0; i < num; i++) printf("%d ", *(arr+num-1 - i)); return 0; Bro i think we need to change the last part of that code a little bit.
obj lt,rt;if(type(v1)==tDblArray && type(v2)==tDblArray){intlen = udar(v1).size;if(len != udar(v2).size) error("num mismatch"); obj rr = dblArray(len);// obj rr = new dblarr(len);double