Since the cost center has wrongly entered the system picks the respective Business area. Now this Material document need to be rectify with the cost center. So what is the solution for this? Due to which the MIRO transaction cannot be done and throwing an error as wrong Busniess Area....
Please make sure that you are reversing the payment document. If it is payment document, go to FBRA and reverse the same. By the solution provided by SAP, it looks that it is the document which is being posted in other modules and the entries are being passed on to Finance. Go to FB0...
SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi all, while reversal of 105 using movement type 122 in MIGO , system is saying "Deficit of PU IR Quantity 408 kg". what does this mean? Stock is available in the system. Regards, AI. Accepted Solutions(1) ...
when i post a miro invoice document i give a wrong cost center so i want to reverse the miro but when i reverse miro i get this error in MR8M "message no. GLT2201 - BALANCING FIELD PROFIT CENTER IN LINE ITEM NOT FILLED." Regards, ManishKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi everybody! Situation: A MIRO was posting in the beginning of the day (posting date 2010.09.21) before the exchange rate be up to date, so the system used the exchange rate registered to the previous day (2010.09.20 last date registered). During the...
If GR/IR balance is still there , check how you can manage through Credit Memo or subsequent debit( Transaction code MIRO). If you are finding still GR/IR balance then discuss with FI counter part to do a JV.Then do put deletion flag. Thanks & Regards Sudhansu You must be a registere...
Possible Solution : If it is MIRO document, you reversal T Code: MR08. After that you have to reset each and every line items in the Document. Then you can post the document once again. Thanks Chandra You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered,...