Also,earningscan be referred to as the pre-tax income of a company. In such a context, there are many variations of earnings measures such as earnings before taxes (EBT),earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), andearnings before interest, taxes, depreciation & amortization (EBTIDA). Also...
gross earnings are the income earned before the deduction of taxes or adjustments. In the corporate world, it's anaccounting conventionthat refers to a public company's gross profit or the amount left from total revenues over a specified
If revenue refers to earnings before subtracting any costs or expenses, then operating income, by contrast, is a company’s profit after subtracting operating expenses, which are the costs of running the daily business. Operating income helps investors separate out the earnings for the company’s ...
Revenue vs Profit Revenue is the top line of the income statement whereas the profit is the bottom line. While revenue includes the gross earning from primary operations (without any deductions), profit is the resultant income after accounting for expenses, expenditures, taxes and additional income...
annual income年薪 财会上一般指revenue-expense,但也无法单独解释。 比如income before tax就是所有revenue减去expenses;而net income是income before tax- tax;当然还有comprehensive income之类。 income statement利润表taxable income应税收入 9.earnings多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。income与earnings含义很相近...
Researched and authored by Andrew Huynh|LinkedIn Reviewed and Edited by Arnav Singh|LinkedIn Free Resources To continue learning and advancing your career, check out these additional helpfulWSOresources: Income vs. Revenue vs. Earnings Revenue Recognition ...
Revenue vs Profit vs Income: inDinero Helps With All the Metrics Informed business leaders are armed with many metrics that guide their decisions. When you understand your revenue vs income vs profit, you know when to expand your company’s reach—and when to do some belt-tightening. If you...
Learn how to differentiate net revenue, net profit, and net income. Plus, understand the situations in which each figure is most useful.
Earningsreflect thebottom lineon the income statement and are the profit a company has earned for the period being reported. The earnings figure is listed as net income on the income statement. When investors and analysts talk about a company's earnings, they're talking about the company's ne...
Revenue is known as the top line because it appears first on a company's income statement. Net income, also known as the bottom line, is revenues minus expenses. There is aprofitwhen revenues exceed expenses. To increase profit, and henceearnings per share(EPS) for its shareholders, a comp...