Definition of Revenue Expenditure A revenue expenditure is a cost that will be an expense in the accounting period when the expenditure takes place. Revenue expenditures are often discussed in the context of fixed assets. The revenue expenditures take place after a fixed asset had been put into ...
revenue and expenditure account 出入[收支]帐目 expenditure on revenue account 收益支出帐 analytic accounting 分析会计学 applied accounting 应用会计 相似单词 accounting n. 1.会计;会计学;会计制度 2.会计业务或能力 3.账单;借贷对照表 4.记账;结账;结算;决算 5.人各有所好。 microaccounting 微观会...
Definition:A revenue expenditure, also called an income statement expenditure, is a cost related to assets that are notcapitalizedbecause they will not provide a financial benefit in future periods. In other words, revenue expenditures are extra expenses incurred because of anasset, but they don’...
Define Revenue expenditure. Revenue expenditure synonyms, Revenue expenditure pronunciation, Revenue expenditure translation, English dictionary definition of Revenue expenditure. n. An expense incurred in normal business operations, such as an administr
revenue expendituren(accounting: cost)(会计)SCSimplified Chinese营业支出 SCSimplified Chinese收益性支出 revenue managementn(maximizing money made from[sth])SCSimplified Chinese收益管理,效益最大化 revenue sharen(distribution of profits)SCSimplified Chinese收入分配,收入分成 ...
The total rent, sales, or earnings of a company. When negotiating for the purchase of income-producing property, be sure to inquire about the seller's definition of revenue rather than make the assumption that the seller is using the correct terminology to describe figures supplied to you. Con...
Any kind of expenditure that provides benefits to the business just for a single accounting year is required to be considered as revenue expenditure. An expenditure that is incurred in a recurring manner i.e. for again and again istreated as revenue expenditure e.g. expense related to repair ...
Revenue Expenditure Definition of Revenue Expenditure Revenue expenditure refers to expenses incurred in the day-to-day running of the business. These are recurring in nature and are allocated to the profit and loss account of the same year....
revenue expenditure noun[U] uk us (alsorevenue expense);(abbreviationrevex) ACCOUNTING,FINANCE moneythat acompanyspendsonactivitiesthat aredirectlyrelatedto makingsalesin aparticularperiod: Grants can beawardedfor eithercapitalorrevenueexpenditure. Compare capital expenditure(Definition ofrevenue expenditurefrom...
expenses, expenditure, outgoings Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Translations Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: ingresos revenue [ˈrevənjuː] A. N (= profit, income)→ ingresos mpl, rentas...