Enter your default price for this code in the Price field.Write the code Description.Statement Description: Write a statement description for the revenue code that will be printed in the patient statements.Optional: Use the right-hand side panels to enter a default price for a specific Fee ...
Description. Enter a description for the revenue bucket code.Transaction Codes. Select the down arrow to display the Transaction Codes screen. Use this screen to select the transaction codes you wish to include in this revenue bucket. The list of transaction codes you see depends on the revenue...
Revenue Code Data holds all information about the revenue codes entered for a specific customer. All of the fields within this category correspond directly to fields that can be found under the Claim section of the application and can be used with the Charge/Debit Data category. Name Description...
Description: Indirect sales made by third parties that you appoint as agents or resellers.Ideal for: Products or services that naturally sit alongside another company's offering as an upsell or specialist product; an example is companies that partner with Microsoft via the Microsoft Partner Network....
Product Code (Produkt-Code) Die eindeutige Kennung des Produkts. Customer Billed Amount (Fakturierter Betrag des Kunden) Der Betrag, der dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellt wird, oder die monatlichen Gebühren für die Nutzung des Produkts. AWS Gebühr für die Auflistung Der AWS Marketplace ...
App NameDescription AlibabaThe largest ecommerce company by merchandise volume, generating $1.3 trillion GMV primarily through Taobao and Tmall JDWhile far behind Alibaba in volume, JD is the largest ecommerce platform in China by revenue
Description. Enter the all or part of the transaction code description.Group. Select the down arrow to display a group list of values.Subgroup. Select the down arrow to display a subgroup list of values.Search Results GridThis grid represents all of the transaction codes that match the search...
Sample code Request {} Response { "errcode": 0, "errmsg": "ok", "invoice_url": "https://mp.weixin.qq.com/bizmall/authinvoice?action=list&s_pappid=d3xxxxxxxxxxxxxGLSS0wrL14No8c1" } 3.2 Creating Financial E-Bills API description A finance bureau can use this API to help the payee ...
Description TABLE OF Contents METHODOLOGY Download PDF Market Growth Outlook Summary The global revenue cycle management market growth forecasted to transform from USD 49.6 billion in 2023 to USD 84.1 billion by 2028, driven by a CAGR of 11.1%. The growth of this market is majorly ...
DescriptionFirst included in: Tax/TaxWithholdRevenueTypesEntity (this entity)Properties展開資料表 NameValue dataFormat string isNullable trueTraitsList of traits for the Description attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable...