CanadaRevenueAgency(CRA)filingrequirementsforNon-Profit Organizations(NPO’s) T2CorporateIncomeTaxReturn “Allcorporations–includingnon-profitorganizations,…-havetofileaT2returnfor everytaxyear,evenifthereisnotaxpayable.Theonlyexceptiontothisruleisa corporationthatwasaregisteredcharitythroughouttheyear.”(Frompa...
WPMA EXPO Program – The National WPMA Convention and Expo, held every February, draws crowds from across the United States and Canada. Over 50% of attendees attend yearly, with another half MDeirmebcetrosrhyip coming frequently. Each year many first time attendees seek out the show. Great ...
More recently, the cap-and-trade approach (carbon markets) has been applied to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions at the international, national, state, regional and municipal levels in the E.U., U.S., China, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea and Japan [5]. In the U.S., there are two...