'Preventing poverty' nixed by revenue agency--OTTAWA - The Canada Revenue Agency has told a...Beeby, Dean
Charity/nonprofit resource sites • Charity 101,http://charitycheck101.org/ • Charity Navigator,http://www.charitynavigator.org/ • GuideStar Nonprofit Directory,http://www.guidestar.org/ • NOZA 990-PF Database Listing,http://www.grantsmart.com/ ...
CanadaRevenueAgency(CRA)filingrequirementsforNon-Profit Organizations(NPO’s) T2CorporateIncomeTaxReturn “Allcorporations–includingnon-profitorganizations,…-havetofileaT2returnfor everytaxyear,evenifthereisnotaxpayable.Theonlyexceptiontothisruleisa corporationthatwasaregisteredcharitythroughouttheyear.”(Frompag...
I’m like “Wow I wish I could afford to tell people who are unhappy with our product to donate it to charity.” That’s an admirable thing to do but I can’t afford that. We’re too small of a business, so we really want to make sure that when somebody places an order, they...
Even with these considerations, having an unprofitable or barely profitable oil industry weakens a country. Neither Brazil nor Canada is doing very well economically in 2021. These countries will likely reduce new oil investment in the next year or two, if inflation-adjusted oil ...
Conservatives defend CRA's charity audits--OTTAWA - Conservative MPs have blocked an opposition...Ditchburn, Jennifer