The concept of taxing illegal drugs punitively dates back to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This did not ban the drug completely; it subjected anyone who dealt in it commercially to a nominal tax but a heavy array of regulations and criminal penalties for non-compliance. Bureaucracy lives on...
The coronavirus pandemic has forced many business closures and layoffs. Under theCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act),the U.S. government created a stimulus relief package for its citizens. Here's what you need to know about receiving your IRS stimulus check. First St...
to be obligations of political subdivisions of California whose interest is within the exemption of the Revenue Act of 1934, is similar to the Regulation first
we firstly screened the literature reviews mentioned in chapter 1 to obtain an overview of existing research streams. Second, we created a set of potentially relevant contributions by searching multiple keywords in the journal databases EBSCO, Scopus and Web of ...
Shareholders had to pay tax on dividend income only to the extent that the rate of individual tax applicable to such income exceeded the corporate rate; they received refunds if that rate was less than the corporate rate. This system was modified in 1937 and replaced in 1965 by a separate ...