Also known as: Third Person Revenge Genre: School, mystery, crime, suspense, revenge Format: Webdrama Episodes: 12 Broadcast network: Star / Disney+ Broadcast period: 2022-Nov-09 to 2022-Dec-14 Air time: Wednesday (2 episodes) Original soundtrack: Revenge of Others OSTSynopsis...
When a student at a high school suddenly dies without explanation, the rest of the semester will be filled with vengeance against those responsible in Revenge of Others, a thrilling Star Original series coming to Disney+ Hotstar soon.Following the suspicious death of her twin brother, Ok Chanmi...
Mom’s money laundering and embezzlement is in the open, Fire Guy’s murder attempts (past and present) have him very much on the hook again (thanks to being out of the country and thus extending the statute of limitations), and in the first of my favorite twists in our finale: Secreta...
Palpatine notes the irony of how Plagueis could keep others from dying, but not himself. When Anakin asks if it is possible to learn the power to stop death, Palpatine simply replies, "Not from a Jedi," further alienating Anakin from the Jedi Order. ...
Patrick reminds him that they decided they weren’t going to get caught up in Emily and Victoria’s drama. “I want to be with you,” he declares. “Why do they get a vote?” So, for the moment, the fellas are still on. But the moment lasts approximately… a moment. In no time...
Ep 1 and 2 just totally and completely spoiled Star Wars for me. I agree completely. It's amazing how angry and defensive others get over the opinion of several people that the prequels were downright terrible. I wish my standards were as low as theirs, but alas, they are not. Star ...