Featuring a talented ensemble cast led by Song Hye-ko, the Korean drama centers on a former victim of school violence seeking revenge on her bullies after taking up a job as a homeroom teacher at the elementary school of the bully's child. With a gripping story and pow...
I USED TO BE NORMAL: A BOYBAND FANGIRL STORY I'LL CRUSH Y'ALL! I'M NOT IN LOVE I.D I.D. Iain Cunningham Iain Glen Ian Beattie Ian Burfield Ian Champion Ian Gelder Ian Hinton Ian Hodgkinson Ian Laing Ian Macmillian Ian McKellen Ian McNaughton Ian Puleston-Da...
I love Moonie so I will watch this drama. 0 reply 22 john September 15, 2015 at 5:46 AM After the clunker TTWWNIL , Lee Jin-wook needs a good story. The writer doesn't instill confidence. I wish him the best of luck. 0 reply 23 Chandler September 15, 2015 at 5:48 AM ...
Romaji TitleBanpaia Hantaa Furigana Titleヴァンパイアハンター Japanese Titleヴァンパイアハンター THE ANIMATED SERIES Japanese Studio Nameマッドハウス English Studio NameMadhouse Companies Involved (Add) Content RatingT - Teen Genre Tags (Add)action,drama,fantasy,adventure ...
Seven’s long-running drama Home & Away was the most searched TV show in Australia on Google this year, while Nine’s song contest The Voice was the top-trending TV show.Korean pop sensation Gangnam Style was the top-trending search item, while Hurricane Sandy was the most searched news ...
Love this game so much This has got to be one of my favourite strategy games of in the history of RTS gaming. And kudos to the producers who made this masterpiece - they took the time, even for a game extension to give it a meaningful storyline with compelling characters and indeed, ...
How cute does this drama look?Divorce Lawyer in Loveis all set to premiere in another week, and the hate-turning-to-love dynamic seems perfectly suited toYeon Woo-jin(Marriage Not Dating) andJo Yeo-jung(Haeundae Lovers). In the drama, the two leads first meet while she’s a top lawyer...
The Notable Films of 2010: Part Five Hippie Hippie Shake Opens: 2010 Cast:Cillian Murphy,Sienna Miller,Max Minghella,Emma Booth,Lee Ingleby Director:Beeban Kidron Summary: Follows the love story of Oz editorRichard Nevilleand Louise Ferrier. Neville and his cohorts launch the London edition of Oz...
Featuring a talented ensemble cast led by Song Hye-ko, the Korean drama centers on a former victim of school violence seeking revenge on her bullies after taking up a job as a homeroom teacher at the elementary school of the bully's child. With a gripping story and pow...
Featuring a talented ensemble cast led by Song Hye-ko, the Korean drama centers on a former victim of school violence seeking revenge on her bullies after taking up a job as a homeroom teacher at the elementary school of the bully's child. With a gripping story and pow...