萌新求助..在主界面一点开始游戏就弹出这个,咋回事Yuri's Revenge has encountered a fatal error!Would you like to create a full cras
一、提示为:"FATAL" string maneger failed toinitilaized properly 。1.xp系统解决办法。用管理员账户运行一次,然后用其他受限用户就可以玩了。2.vista系统解决办法。右键单击ra2.exe,选择“属性”,在标签栏内的右下角选择“高级”选项,在弹出的窗口内选中“用管理员身份运行”选项前面的复选框。然...
"yuri revenge has encountered a fatal error! any help for this please im on Windows 10 Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes Guest - Aug 2 2018 - 722,752 comments It wont let me play any of the campaign missions. It says unable to initialize ra2.csf, please reinstall red alert ...
As soon as the mission is about to load, the app crashes and I get an error that states, "Yuri's Revenge has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally. Please visit our website at http://www.westwood.com for the latest updates and technical support." I have ...
yuri s rev..玩终结者任务奈河桥那关,油轮到地图下方了之后,就弹出这个。有大佬知道怎么弄吗yuri s revenge has encountered a fatal errorwould you like to create a full crash report for the developers
玩《红警2》科技时代,突然跳出“Yuri's Revenge--NPatch”是游戏出现内部错误导致无法继续运行了。 导致原因可能由于出兵种所引发的BU... ... 传奇风云 www.999f.com 传奇风云 找服网 汇聚.传奇网网站,传奇网.1.76 1.80 1.85 1.95 1.99单职业网站传奇网好服, 新开的传奇网站 各类新开的传奇网站版本 传奇网网...
Files master OpenRA.Mods.YR artsrc mods packaging translation_fonts .gitignore .travis.yml COPYING Makefile OpenRA.Mods.YR.sln README.md fetch-engine.sh generate-yrsc-mod.cmd launch-dedicated.cmd launch-dedicated.sh launch-game.cmd launch-game.sh ...
As soon as the mission is about to load, the app crashes and I get an error that states, "Yuri's Revenge has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally. Please visit our website at http://www.westwood.com for the latest updates and technical support." I have ...
As soon as the mission is about to load, the app crashes and I get an error that states, "Yuri's Revenge has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally. Please visit our website at http://www.westwood.com for the latest updates and technical support." I have ...