Revelation 18:8 Meaning and Commentary Revelation 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day The seven last plagues, which will be in a very little time executed upon her, very speedily and very quickly, one after another, if not all together; and particularly the fifth vial may be...
Revelation 13:18. Actor: Conscious Prisoner. Actor turned music producer and artist, Revelation 13:18, is steady on the path of showing not just the music industry, but the world knowledge of self. Growing up in Louisville, KY (in the West End home of Ca
Revelation 1:1-8 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO REVELATIONS That this book was written by the Apostle and Evangelist John, is clear not only from the express mention of his name, and from his office, a servant of Jesus Christ, Re 1:1; but also from the character this writer giv...
Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary Victor Frankl's logophilosophy is relevant for a contextual interpretation of Rev 1:3. According to this philosophy there has to be meaning to life under a... al-BūshīBūlusQayarIbn KātibDavisStephen J.SchmidtT.C.TaliaShawqi,DavisStephen J. -...
According to Islamic tradition, Yawm al-Qiyāmah (Arabic: يوم القيامة “the Day of Resurrection”) or Yawm ad-Din (Arabic: يوم الدين “the Day of Judgment”) is believed to be God’s (Allāh) final assessment of humanity. The seq...
No reformation followed; there was no abandonment of the prevailing forms of iniquity; there was no change in their idolatry and superstition. In regard to the exact meaning of what is here stated Revelation 9:20-21, it will be a more convenient arrangement to consider it after we have ...
(Arabic:ʿUthmān), the nomadicTurkmenchief who founded both thedynastyand the empire about 1300.)The interposition of the Church Age between the first and second advents of Christ, as revealed in the N.T., is not a part of this vision. The deadly wound suffered by the fourth empire(...
Revelation 1:1 Meaning and Commentary Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ Either of which he is the author: for it was he that sent and showed it by his angel to John; it was he, the lion of the tribe of Judah, that took the book, and opened the seals of it, and whic...
Revelation 14:20 Meaning and Commentary Revelation 14:20 And the winepress was trodden without the city The beloved city, the new Jerusalem, into which none of the wicked will enter, and without which are dogs (Revelation 20:9) (21:27) (22:15) . The allusion may be, as Dr. Lightfoot...
Job 10:22 tn The word סֵדֶר (seder,“order”) occurs only here in the Bible. G. R. Driver found a new meaning in Arabic sadira,“dazzled by the glare” (“Problems in the Hebrew text of Job,” VTSup 3 [1955]: 76-77); this would mean “without a ray of light....