for Prophecy Reality News Weekly live. The studio cam will be on and the phone lines open. Hope to see you! Share this: Tweet Telegram Email More Loading... Prophecy Lies They Tell You, Preterism Hr.1 – Revelation 1.1-2.10 Hr.2 ...
’s sovereignty over all. In this moment of divine revelation and worship, Logic’s deduction crystallizes into certainty: Jesus reigns supreme over the tribulation, his authority unchallenged and his mercy boundless. My logic says Moses was a reflection of Jesus. The exodus of the seven church...
An essay is presented which offers a brief overview of the book of Revelation. It explores the essence of the message that prophet John has written on his prophecy to convey to the seven churches of Asia. It also mentions the opening of the seven seals in the chapters 6-7 of the book ...
“The risen Christ did not appear at the temple but at meal tables. The center of God’s activity had shifted – it was no longer the temple but the table that was the holiest of all. The church would do well to think of itself, not so much as a kind of temple, but as a kind...
Broadcaster Ashley River Baptist Church FollowSermon Activity 52 Pastor Randy noted that in Revelation 19, the proclamation, "Hallelujah" is repeated four times, signifying our worship of God. He also explained the correlation between the Ancient Jewish Wedding Ceremony and its 12 elements to our...
The Message to the Church in Pergamum 12 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Pergamum. This is the message from the one with the sharp two-edged sword: 13 “I know that you live in the city where Satan has his throne, yet you have remained loyal to me. You refused ...
are such a blessing to the Kingdom and what a gift from the Father to the church. Special thanks to Dr. Ron and his Executive Assistant who does such an amazing job stewarding and leading the ship. Many blessings as destinies are unlocked to the glory of God the Father in Jesus Christ...
“Write this to the angel of the Church in Ephesus: ‘These words are spoken by the one who holds the seven stars safe in his right hand, and who walks among the seven golden lampstands. I know what you have done; I know how hard you have worked and what you have endured. I know...
Our services stream “LIVE” on Facebook click below to join us. Facebook Church Ministries We have a Sunday School class for all ages, including a nursery for the little ones. We know that each age group learns on a different level and we want everyone to be able to learn as much as...
A local church has a huge rummage a few times a year, and it’s a veritable sea of deals. A+ way to get rid of stuff if you don’t care about making money. Getting Rid of Everything At Once Sometimes the only remedy that makes sense is to get rid of everything at once – ...