Revelation 19:10-12 Easy-to-Read Version 10Then I bowed down before the angel’s feet to worship him. But the angel said to me, “Don’t worship me! I am a servant like you and your brothers and sisters who have the truth of Jesus. So worship God! Because the truth of Jesus is...
Initiating phase (February):Histologically, ovaries show more type-II oocytes (60%) than type I immature oocytes (40%) and both of which constitute 98.58% of the total oocyte count. The type II cells are at perinucleolar stage. The average diameter is 89.19 μm and 151.77 μm o...
1st Sign Revelation 1:10 - Revelation 3:22 2nd Sign Revelation 4:1 - Revelation 11:19 3rd Sign Revelation 12:1 - Revelation 14:20 4th Sign Revelation 15:1 - Revelation 16:21 5th Sign Revelation 17:1 - Revelation 19:10 6th Sign Revelation 19:11 - Revelation 21:8 7th Sign Revelation...
(Revelation 1:19). 9 Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'" And he said to me, "These are the true sayings of God." 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "See that you do not do ...
by FS19 mods· January 17, 2021FS19 New Holland CR10.90 Revelation v1.0 Characteristics: –Price: 380,000 € –Power: 700 hp –Capacity: 14,500 liters This machine is a modification of the base New Holland CR10.90 Revelation. The changes are as follows: –Real capacity –Adjusted ...
19 耶路撒冷的犹太人派祭司和利未人去见约翰,问他道∶“你是谁?”下面是约翰的证言: 20 约翰直言不讳地回答了,他承认说∶“我不是基督。” 21 他们问他∶“那么你是谁呢?是以利亚 [d]吗?” 他说∶“不是。” 他们又问∶“你是那位先知 [e]吗?” 他回答道...
啟示錄 19 Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version 天堂里的人们颂美上帝 19这之后,我听到在天堂里像有许多人欢呼的声音: “哈利路亚(赞美上帝)! 拯救、荣耀和权力属于我们的上帝, 2他的审判是真实和公正的。 他审判了那个大妓女, 她用淫荡败坏了世界。
19·1「哈利路亞」意思是「要讚美上帝」。 启示录 19 Chinese New Version (Simplified) 19这些事以后,我听见天上好象有一大群人大声说: “哈利路亚! 救恩、荣耀、权能都属于我们的 神, 2因为他的审判是真实公义的。 他审判了那大淫妇, 那以淫乱败坏了世界的; ...
啟示錄 19 Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version 天堂里的人们颂美上帝 19 这之后,我听到在天堂里像有许多人欢呼的声音: “哈利路亚(赞美上帝)!拯救、荣耀和权力属于我们的上帝,2 他的审判是真实和公正的。他审判了那个大妓女,她用淫荡败坏了世界。他惩罚她,为他仆从所流的血,...
啟示錄 19 Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version 天堂里的人们颂美上帝 19 这之后,我听到在天堂里像有许多人欢呼的声音: “哈利路亚(赞美上帝)!拯救、荣耀和权力属于我们的上帝,2 他的审判是真实和公正的。他审判了那个大妓女,她用淫荡败坏了世界。他惩罚她,为他仆从所流的血,...