启示录 14 Chinese New Version (Traditional) 救贖的新歌 14 我又觀看,見羊羔站在錫安山上,跟他在一起的還有十四萬四千人。他們的額上都寫著他的名和他父的名。 2 我聽見有聲音從天上來,好像眾水的聲音,好像大雷的聲音;我所聽見的聲音,又像琴師彈奏的琴聲。 3 他們在寶座前,在四個活物和眾長老面前唱...
启示录 14 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified) 唱天上的新歌 14 我又观看,见羔羊站在锡安山,同他又有十四万四千人,都有他的名和他父的名写在额上。 2 我听见从天上有声音,像众水的声音和大雷的声音,并且我所听见的好像弹琴的所弹的琴声。 3 他们在...
and choosing alienation rather than reconciliation--the husks of the swine rather than the Father's house. Of the full meaning of the words in their true andfuture forcewe can have little conception. It is enough for us to remember two things: they are figurative, but they are figurative ...
The Vulgate adds, "in the blood of the Lamb," as in Revelation 7:14, which is, of course, the full meaning. The free will of man is implied in the active form of the participle. That they may have right to the tree of life; in order that they may have authority over the tree...
there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and conceal...
Interestingly, the metaphoric “bottomless pit” is referred to three times in this chapter, and four more times in Chapters 11, 17 and 20. While it is difficult, if not impossible, to explain its meaning from a historic viewpoint [17], it should be clear to us that it is a metaphor...
14 And to the angel of the congregation in Laodicea [AOL] [Meaning: People of judgement] [AOL, who was baptised by 'Roger Knight', who was baptised by Elijah4 on 616 2002] [the congregation of the JW-LWs in the Watchtower. The angel must be a 2NC king since Laodicea was a true...
It has been reported that one possibly Thyatira related congregation had a coat of arms containing seven candles with seven stars, with the fourth (reportedly to represent itself) as the largest; the coat of arms stated, "Lux Lucet in Tenebris"- meaning a light shines in the darkness. Thus...
on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him]. 16 For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowle...
If we understand Paul’s statement of the Galatians turning again “to the weak and beggarly elements” “which by nature are no gods” as meaning the Galatians were turning back to idolatry and the worship of the host of heaven, then admonition about observing days and months and times and...