He also explained the correlation between the Ancient Jewish Wedding Ceremony and its 12 elements to our marriage to Jesus as His bride. In addition, Revelation 19 declares that Jesus' Second Coming will be as "King of kings and Lord of lords" and that He will be accompanied with the ...
that is, on their enemies, the antichristian party; for otherwise it must rain on those to whom they minister, their prophecy itself being rain in a spiritual sense: so rain is explained of prophecy in the Targum on (Isaiah 5:6) , which paraphrases the words thus; ...
(Page 898,899) The four metals(This writer believes there are five)composing the image and are explained as symbolizing four empires (vv. 38-40), not necessarily possessing the earth but divinely authorized to do so (v. 38), and fulfilled in Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (under Alexander...
This can be explained by the significant experimental and other empirical evidence which indicates that people may be nonstrategic when interacting in persuasion games [13, 11, 4, 10, 6, 28, 8]. Rou...N. Peled, Y. Gal, S. Kraus, A study of computational and human strategies in ...
These trends are partly explained by the interplay between the track geometries and the track-determination criteria. The classic 谓b-谓tmodel fails to explain these track geometries or their dependence on surface orientation. An alternative model is proposed, based on the theories of crystal growth...