《Returnal》的程序化世界为极强的可重玩性而设计,邀请您在面对失败时掸去身上的灰尘,并在每次重生时接受新的、不断发展的挑战。 《Returnal》也会充分利用PS5手柄的适应性扳机和触觉反馈功能: 快速加载 利用PS5的超高速固态硬盘在世界间跳跃。以近乎即时的加载速度重新进入游戏,不会让您在死后等待重启。 自适应扳...
Video Review: Reveal hidden contents Expand Push Square - 9/10 Quote Housemarque has delivered the PS5 promise with Returnal. All the console's bells and whistles enhance the experience, making this a real showpiece for the hardware. But more than that, the game is a force to be reck...
Returnal (Review) It’s about time to get the ball rolling on the PS5’s big exclusives, andReturnalseems to be the first entirely new game that’s not a remake or an upgraded extension. But does my itch for futuristic, spacefaring, alien-stuff get scratched in this rogue-like subgenre ...
User Rating:9| ReturnalPS5 ByTarkatanWarrior| Review Date:May 8, 2021 Before I begin this review, let me preface it by saying I have only played one other roguelike game in my life, and it was the first Diablo back in '98. So to say I'm unfamiliar with the genre is a vast under...
"Returnal brings all the high-tension, arcade-inspired gameplay from the PS5 to PC while adding a whole new host of bells and whistles, making it the definitive way to... GamersRD 100 / 100 "Returnal completely surpasses the PS5 version by providing wonderful graphics and amazing optimization...
Returnal has started receiving its first reviews nearly a day before the review embargo is set to official end and they are just as expected.
Housemarque has succeeded with their fusion of third-person shooting and roguelike elements in Returnal, one of my favorite PS5 titles so far
早在登陆PS5时,《Returnal》的口碑就呈现出了神鬼二象性,在一部分玩家为其快节奏战斗而大呼过瘾的同时,另一部分人却因为严苛的死亡惩罚而饱受折磨,陷入了痛苦的死亡轮回无法自拔,评价的两极分化相当严重。 如今《Returnal》登上了PC平台,在失去了“手柄限制我打枪”的Debuff之后,键鼠是否拯救了因《Returnal》而死了...
Returnal is a fast-paced third-person shooter roguelike from developer Housemarque.The game was released exclusively for the PS5 almost two years agoto both critical and commercial success despite its challenging gameplay and steep learning curve. However, it is now finally releasing on PC with a ...