laravel项目return back()->withErrors($validator)或return back()->with('errors','原密码错误!')在前台原密码错误的情况下不能正确显示错误信息,变成报错! 被折磨的答案是 php artisan --version看一下版本,如果是5.2.26以上的,在路由处删除web中间件分组,还有问题再反馈...
Laravel 9.x Eloquent method "with" return error Call to undefined relationship [customer] on model \App\Models\SaleOrderGeneral i tried to get some data with laravel ORM using with method but return error like this Call to undefined relationship [customer] on model [App\Models\SaleOrderGeneral...
在Laravel中,return with是一个常用的辅助函数,用于在重定向时传递闪存数据到会话。有时候我们可能需要在不重定向的情况下传递数据,或者希望传递的数据为空。介绍如何在Laravel中实现return with-None的效果,并提供几种不同的解决方案。 解决方案 在Laravel中,如果你希望在不重定向的情况下传递数据,或者传递的数据为空...
Laravel return with-None 在Laravel中,return with是一个常用的辅助函数,用于在重定向时传递闪存数据到会话。有时候我们可能需要在不重定向的情况下传递数据,或者希望传递的数据为空。介绍如何在Laravel中实现return with-None的效果,并提供几种不同的解决方案。 解决方案 在Laravel中,如果你希望在不重定向的情况下传...
If we miss both of those parameters and pass empty values there, API will return a pretty readable error with422status code(this code is produced by default by Laravel validation failure): {"message":"The given data was invalid.","errors": {"city_id": ["The city id must be an intege...
There's one important setting in.envfile of Laravel - it'sAPP_DEBUGwhich can befalseortrue. If you turn it on astrue, then all your errors will be shown with all the details, including names of the classes, DB tables etc. It is a huge security issue, so in production environment it...
Debug mode I have enabled debug mode I have read checked the Common Issues page Describe the bug I have tried generate and restore backup . But everytime I try to restore the backup file it Returns with this error. And before try to rest...
// "syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)" Laravel 17 383 Level 1 WebbieWorks OP Posted 6 years agoI am trying to use a destroy and then redirect back to the cart with a success method but getting the following error."
How to return AJAX errors from Laravel Controller? Questions: I am building a REST API with Laravel 5. In Laravel 5, you can subclassApp\Http\Requests\Requestto define the validation rules that must be satisfied before a particular route will be processed. For example:...
Laravel Level 4 imhittOP Posted 4 years ago I am trying to get ralation (product owner) using with method but it returns me null. My User model: publicfunctiongoods(){return$this->hasMany(Good::class); } My Good model: publicfunctionuser(){return$this->belongsTo(User::class); } ...