The article provides data and statistics on maternity leave and return to work in Great Britain. The data suggests that employers are becoming more family friendly in their provision of flexible working arrangements and facilities. A majority of women returning from maternity leave in 2005 made ...
More than 50 percent of those in maternity leave do not return to their job afterwards, either because they leave the company or because they have a second child. At the same time, about 31 percent of female employees return to part-time work during maternity leave, which is often a ...
I’ve been fortunate with my return to work after maternity leave, but not all working moms’ experiences are the same. Those employers who make the effort to show working moms, and parents in general, that they value, support, and are invested in them as people, not just employees, will...
Now I’m due to return to work in a few months and am stuck. Financially it’s just not going to be possible for me to return full time due to childcare costs, but my partner and I can just about make it work with me going back 2.5 days a week with one ...
Return to work after maternity leave: the role of support policies on work attitudes of women in management positions Purpose This study aims to expand our knowledge on the processes through which work–family policies relate to work–family conflict as well as work–relat... A Costantini,S Dic...
What is a phased return to work? A phased return to work allows employees to slowly reintegrate back into work after an extended period of absence due to illness, maternity leave, bereavement, or major surgery. Employees returning to work after a long absence may start with shorter working hou...
Most women return to work at the end of their maternity leave.return to growth/profitThe business is expected to return to growth next year. return a chequeBANKINGto send a cheque back to the person who wrote it, usually because they do not have enough money in the bank to pay the ...
I’m due to return to work in two weeks after 9 months of maternity leave. Every time I think about it, I get a sick anxious feeling in my stomach and just dread it more and more the closer it gets. I didn’t mind my job before I went on ML, however two of my colleagues ...
The paper examines access to and use of maternity leave and return to work policies in a large organisation. The analysis is set within the context of evidence from a recent national survey which illustrates the combinations of paid and unpaid leave arrangements utilised by Australian mothers around...
瑞鸿网词典双语例句Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave.你的工作会一直保留到你休完产假回来。