Amended tax returns are filed when there is an error on a taxpayer’s original return. You will also need to file an amended return if there is a change in your filing status, income, deductions, credit, or tax liability. This option is available to ensure that the correct taxes are fil...
On theMessageFastTab, select the electronic message that is related to the period that you want to submit a VAT return for. Don't update theStart dateandEnd datefields of the record. Those values are received from HMRC and will be used as criteria for collecting sales tax payment...
The NO VAT Create message action is predefined in the Run processing dialog box. Select OK. The new electronic message is created. In the From date and To date fields for the message, define the period that you want to submit the VAT return for. Optional: In the Description field, enter...
JBornerLet's say the date you want to 'calculate' the fiscal year for is in A1, they this: =IF(MONTH(A1)>7,YEAR(A1)+1,YEAR(A1))
When attempting to return a borrowed Autodesk network license from a client workstation, the following message is displayed: License Return Error Your license cannot be returned. For more information, contact your system administrator. Note:You can still
As a result, the "correctly executed variant" looks like: date & (flag == flag). Why it works - I can't imagine. I'll go figure it out. Edit 2: These funcs work correctly on CPU, but on GPU always return true for some unknown reason: inline bool AllFlags(uint data,...
Bug description I see the Query ... is required to return data, but found no record(s) error. Similar in manifestation to #12783, but, this time without having a Date involved in the primary or unique keys. However, the entity does have ...
Using distributed training (torch_distributed = {"param_sync_step": 100, "reduce_type": "param"}), I got this cuFFT error (RuntimeError: cuFFT error: CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR). I assume that the aspect of distributed training is not relevant...
Connecting SSRS to an Odata, Odata V4 or Soap Web service Control Line Spacing - Padding in a Table Controlling PDF export filename Conversion from string "" to type date is not valid conversion from type 'string()' to type 'String' is not valid error Conversion of Date Format from yyyy...
This path is invaild. I am clueless. Any fault in my Uri Conversion.Please Help.rageshSMonday, November 5, 2012 1:06 PMThis code works for me. If it doesn't work for you, try navigating to the url in your browser first and try again....