Return To Sender T-POST® #137 Sold out! It used to be we’d use and reuse everything – nothing went to waste. But these days consumption is through the roof, and we can’t seem to stop buying and chucking stuff away. This is anything but sustainable, and at some point (very ...
aCONFIDENTIALITY. This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If received in error, please do not disclose the contents to anyone, but notify the sender by return email and delete this email and any attachments from your system. 机密。 这电子邮件和所有附件是机要...
aYour phone number is set as trusted number by the sender of this SMS. You are asked to forward this message to the sender's phone number for Anti-Theft unlock. IMPORTANT! Before forwarding this message, make sure that the sender's device is not stolen by calling the sender. #RESET#Ouf...
It's better singing than the Cat 1 submission of this artist but it will suffer the same fault of 'I don't really love how it's just sing-narrating.' It certainly seems to be fitting for its animatic, and props to the sender for just not even trying a pander submission, but this ...
is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7231220213822785066 Aside from working on new music, Kira chatted with us all about her experience becoming Phoebe Thunderman again forThe Thundermans Return. She reflected on her time creating ...
proprietary. If you are not the individual or entity to which it is addressed, note that any review, disclosure, copying, retransmission, or other use is strictly prohibited. If you received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete...
There are hints that the leaker is needling Trump personally, not just acting on a belief that the American people deserve to have a complete picture of each candidate’s finances. Rather than leaving the return address blank, the anonymous sender used the address of Trump Tower, which might...
aThis email is intended for the addressee(s) named above and any other use is prohibited. It may contain confidential information. If you received this email in error please contact the sender by return email. Jake Elsley does not accept any legal responsibility for the contents of this messa...