Work has changed. Why hasn't the office? New research reveals how to turn the office from a mandate to a magnet. View Infographic This is a modal window. The Playback API request failed for an unknown reason Error Code: VIDEO_CLOUD_ERR_UNKNOWN Technical details : Unknown catalog ...
根据国家/地区的单词用法: "Return To The Office" 世界上许多国家都使用商务英语。 本网站上的某些单词和短语在任何使用商务英语的地方都能理解,但某些单词和短语仅在某些国家/地区使用。 下面的地图显示了 "Return To The Office" 最常用的地方。 搜索趋势 以下是人们在本网站上搜索过的热门单词、短语和习语的...
Return to Office Welcome to the new office experience. Watch Video Contact Us We're ready to return. It's the office that isn't ready. It’s time to rethink everything about the office—from the purpose it serves to the places people work and collaborate. ...
ウェビナー 『オフィス回帰 (Return to Office) がもたらす影響とは?』 について クアルトリクスでは、毎年恒例としてグローバル規模で「従業員エクスペリエンス トレンド調査」を実施しています。この内容を補完し、日本独自の傾向を観察することを目的として、2023 年 1 月下旬に「日本で...
Explore some of the most important considerations related to returning to office, hybrid work, and flexibility Explore some of the most important considerations related to returning to office, hybrid work, and flexibility Flexible work arrangements aren’t a novel trend, but the conversation has shi...
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire is not developing or requiring “vaccine passports," documents that show you were vaccinated against COVID-19, but a proposed legislative measure would prohibit state government from requiring people to receive the vac
As you consider whether it’s the right time to return to office—and how to do it safely—it’s important to think about how to bring workers back in a way that encourages connection while allowing them to capitalize on the flexibility they’ve come to love from remote work. Let’s ta...
本ウェビナーでは、「オフィス回帰(Return to Office)」について、日本国内の従業員がどのように捉えており、従業員エンゲージメントとどのように関係が生じるのかについて、今回の調査を企画/担当した市川幹人が、調査結果を交えながら解説いたします。
微软正式打响了“Return to Office”第一枪! 西雅图IT圈:seattleit 【今日作者】拖拉机 IT圈里的拖拉机 PART. 01 西雅图本地最大科技公司 微软(又称“巨硬”) 宣布2月28日将会全面重新开放 其华州的所有办公室 包括总部Redmond PART. 02 这是自两年前开始居家办公后...
‘return to office’ and the ideal capacity at which to operate, it has been almost a year and a half since people started working from home. At first, most employees were really delighted that they could avoid the cumbersom commute to work and spend more time with their family members, ...