一个主要的区别是异常传播。在异步任务方法中引发的异常存储在返回的任务对象中,并保持Hibernate状态,直到通过await task、task.wait()、task.result或task.getawaiter().getresult()观察到该任务。即使从Async方法的同步部分抛出,它也是以这种方式传播的。
{awaitTask.CompletedTask; } over this? publicasyncTask Test() {return; } Let's look the question from the consumer-side. If you define an interface, which imposes an operation that returns a Task then you actually don't say anything about how it will be calculated / executed (so, there...
有一种狡猾的情况,普通方法中的return和async方法中的return await表现不同:当与using(或更一般地,t...
await Task.CompletedTask; } 1. 2. 3. 4. over this? public async Task Test() { return; } 1. 2. 3. 4. Let's look the question from the consumer-side. If you define an interface, which imposes an operation that returns a Task then you actually don't say anything about how it ...
public async Task CloseApp() { await Task.Run( ()=>{ // save database // turn off some lights // shutdown application }); } 如果我在这个程序中调用它: private async void closeButtonTask() { // Some Task 1 // .. await CloseApp(); ...
static async Task<int> GetLeisureHoursAsync() { DayOfWeek today = await Task.FromResult(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek); int leisureHours = today is DayOfWeek.Saturday || today is DayOfWeek.Sunday ? 16 : 5; return leisureHours; } // 输出:
In the code I found a lot of await Task.Yield(). There is also code like await Task.Delay(0). If the purpose of this code is just to remove compiler warnings - isn’t better to use return Task.CompletedTask instead? It’s suggested by this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/...
return NULL; } printf("Thread working...\n"); } return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t thread; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, thread_func, NULL) != 0) { perror("Failed to create thread"); return 1; } pthread_join(thread, NULL); printf("Thread finished\n"); return 0; ...
' Call and await the Task-returning async method in the same statement.AwaitTask_MethodAsync() As in the previousTask<TResult>example, you can separate the call to Task_MethodAsync from the application of an await operator, as the following code shows. However, remember that a Task doesn'...