If you return an error response, it should not contain 2xx code, here are most popular ones for errors: Notice that if we don’t specify the status code for return, Laravel will do it automatically for us, and that may be incorrect. So it is advisable to specify codes whenever possible...
If you return an error response, it should not contain 2xx code, here are most popular ones for errors: Notice that if we don’t specify the status code for return, Laravel will do it automatically for us, and that may be incorrect. So it is advisable to specify codes whenever possible...
If you return an error response, it should not contain 2xx code, here are most popular ones for errors: Notice that if we don't specify the status code for return, Laravel will do it automatically for us, and that may be incorrect. So it is advisable to specify codes whenever possible...
laravel在一个函数中的两个返回 、、 在laravel中,第一个返回确实会破坏函数,不会让它继续执行函数的其余部分吗?我有这个功能 public function get(Request $request) { $users = User::doesntHave('reservations')->get(); if ($users) { return Response::json($users); } // do something here...
I am adding CcAvenue gateway in laravel 5.3 on PHP 7.2, everything working fine till the payment page of CcAvenue, but after payment is done or payment canceled by the user, the return response URL is showing the following error "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a ...
exception:"ErrorException"file:"C:\...\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\Str.php"line:419message:"Array to string conversion" ConsoleResponse tab {"file":"C:\\...\\app\\Http\\Controllers\\Api\\Front\\CartController.php","line":380,"function":"save","class":"Illuminate\\D...
可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 1. 代码逻辑错误:在return语句后的代码中可能存在逻辑错误,导致服务器崩溃。这可能是由于未处理的异常、内存泄漏、死循环等问题引起的。解决方法是通过代码审查和调试...
'error'=>'Email or password incorrect'], 401); } } public function user() { return response()->json(['user' => Auth::guard('member-api')->user()], 200); } The login function is work and return the accesstokenapi.phpCopy...
Laravel Cache::lock($lockName)->release() always return false Hi I am using cache locks in laravel 8, I acquire lock for 5 seconds but my task end before then 5 second so when i try to release lock before 5 seconds it always return false and not releasing lock as well, also i ...