作者: ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) 和 ROE (Return on Equity) 是衡量公司财务绩效的重要指标,但存在以下区别: 1.计算对象:ROIC 计算公司所有投资者的投资回报,而 ROE 只计算股东权益的回报。 2.计算方法:ROIC 通过除以公司总投资额来计算,而 ROE 通过除以股东权益。 3.反映内容:ROIC 表示公司利用投资...
净资产收益率(Return on Equity,简称ROE),又称股东权益报酬率/净值报酬率/权益报酬率/权益利润率/净资产利润率,是净利润与平均股东权益的百分比,是公司税后利润除以净资产得到的百分比率,该指标反映股东权益的收益水平,用以衡量公司运用自有资本的效率。指标值越高,说明投资带来的收益越高。该指标体现了自有资本获得...
作者: 净资产收益率(Return on Equity):又称净资产利润率,英文缩写ROE,指利润额与平均股东权益的比值。该指标越高,说明给股东(所有者)带来的收益越高;该指标越低,说明企业股东(所有者)的获利能力越弱。该指标体现了自有资本获得净收益的能力。
ROE (Return On Equity的缩写) 解释:ROE是股本回报率的缩写,经常在财务报表和分析中使用。 Equity Return 解释:这是股本回报的另一种表达方式,虽然没有“return on equity”常用,但意思相近。 Shareholder's Return on Investment 解释:这个说法更侧重于从股东的角度看待投资回报,...
Return on equity ROE is a measure of a companys financial performance that shows the relationship between a companys profit and the investors return ROE...
1.股本回报率(Return on Equity)是一种类似于投资回报率(Return on Investment)的会计计算方法, 是用以评估公司盈利能力的指标,可以用作比较同一行业内不同企业盈利能力的拥有指标。股本回报率是将现年税后盈利除以年初与年底总股本的平均数字而计算出来的,显示了在支付款项给其他资本供应者之后,股东...
Return on equity (ROE) and return on capital (ROC) measure very similar concepts, but with a slight difference in the underlying formulas. Both measures are used to decipher the profitability of a company based on the money it had to work with. Key Takeaways ROC and ROE are well-known a...
Return on Equity (ROE) vs. Return on Assets (ROA): An Overview Return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) are two of the most important measures for evaluating how effectively a company’s management team is doing its job of managing thecapitalentrusted...
Return on capital employed can also be considered as the return on equity if net debt is zero. In practice, most financial analysts take goodwill impairment losses and non-recurring items out of net income before calculating return on equity. The leverage effect explains a company's return on...