The best-performing stocks of the year aren't household names, but they show what's hot in the market. Wayne DugganJan. 2, 2025 10 Best-Performing ETFs of 2024 These funds all trounced the returns of the S&P 500 in 2024. Jeff ReevesJan. 2, 2025...
“return on equity"的最常见翻译: 股东投资回报率, 股本回报(率), 股本回报率.上下文翻译: The return on equity and fixed income was 3.8 per cent and 0.3 per cent, respectively. ↔ 股票和固定收入资产的回报分别为3.8%和0.3%。
Subject: Annual returns of the UK for the years 1997 to 2010 Angående: Storbritanniens årsrapporter för åren 1997–2010 EurLex-2 Basically an anniversary is an annual return of the day of a past event. En årsdag är i grund och botten den dag varje år då en ...