通常,金融投资者容易对简单的投资收益率( Return on Investment)、时间加权收益率(Time Weighted Return )、和资金加权收益率(Money Weighted Return)中感到困惑。在本文中,KlipC将阐明这三种类型的收益率,并说明这几种收益率的区别。当然最重要的还是它们的优缺点。 本文重点介绍投资组合收益的时间如何影响整体财务状况。
Return On Investment:就是投资报酬率计算公式为:年利润或年均利润÷投资总额×100% 投资回报率的优点是计算简单;缺点是没有考虑资金时间价值因素,不能正确反映建设期长短及投资方式不同和回收额的有无等条件对项目的影响,分子、分母计算口径的可比性较差,无法直接利用净现金流量信息。 只有投资...
000 to attain the respective $200 and $50,000 profits. These additional facts illustrate that the dollar value of return bears no significance without considering the cost of the investment. In this example, the return on investment for Investor A is ($200...
Return On Investment (ROI)的翻译是投资回报率,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:一总投资交易所得的收益或亏损,一般以年度回报百分比表达。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
return on investment pricing【经】 按投资利润率核算 return on investment ratio投资收入比率 相似单词 investmentn. 1.[U][ ~ (in sth)]投资 2.[C]投资额,投资物 3.[C]值得买的东西,有用的投资物 4. [U, C](时间,精力的)投入 return 1. 回,返回,归[(+to/from)] ...
Here each division can be seen as different profit centers or investment centers on which managers could make decisions. However, ROI tends to be manipulated by managers in order to gain higher performance-related bonus. Each division’s ROI can be compared regardless of their size, because ...
同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Return On Investment (ROI)投资回报率一总投资交易所得的收益或亏损,一般以年度回报百分比表达。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
Return on investment (ROI) is a financial ratio used to calculate the benefit an investor will receive in relation to their investment cost.
Maximize your return on investmentCompleted 100 XP 2 minutes Microsoft Intune helps you maximize your return on investment and accelerate time-to-value with fast rollout of services and devices, providing end-to-end integration across the familiar Microsoft stack....