We know this can’t be undone, and it will always remain part of us. We have thought deeply about the future of Power Trip and what always comes back to us is that this band was founded on resilience, perseverance, and most importantly: a love for the music and for all of the peopl...
“Why, I never did believe it, even back in the wilds of your African jungle, when you tore the raw meat of your kills with mighty jaws, like some wild beast, and wiped your greasy hands upon your thighs. Even then, before there was the slightest proof to the contrary, I knew that...
The Mad Demon, Jaha Lee, dreams of becoming the God of Martial Arts. Unfortunately, his dreams are dashed after he falls off a cliff while running from the Demonic Cult for stealing the Jade of Heaven. Yet this is not the end for Jaha -- he awakens from the fall to find himself back...