The Mad Demon, Jaha Lee, dreams of becoming the God of Martial Arts. Unfortunately, his dreams are dashed after he falls off a cliff while running from the Demonic Cult for stealing the Jade of Heaven. Yet this is not the end for Jaha -- he awakens from the fall to find himself back...
The Return of the Crazy Demon : Yi Zaha. The crazy demon crazy for martial arts. While he was running away after stealing the heavenly pearl of the Demon Cult Leader, he fell off a cliff. After thinking that everything was over, he opened his eyes to see
中文:《狂魔重生/狂魔重生記》 英文:Return of the Crazy Demon 韓文: 광마회귀 劇情發展 在武林江湖,有一位名叫李子賀的男子,他曾是一個口若懸河、自吹自擂的人。 前世的他屢次以豐功偉業為由,偷竊其他門派的重要寶物,甚至以威脅的語言來挑戰對手。 這些言行只讓其他門派對他心生反感,覺得他的嘴巴實在...