If your lookup value appears more than once, these formulas will only give you the first match—and skip the rest. What if you need a full list of matches? That’s where this guide can help. In this post, you’ll learn two simple ways to return multiple results in Excel: INDEX and...
Re: HOW TO: Return multiple results if cell matches multiple table items @monrobot Let's say that the cell with the semicolon-delimited words is A1 and that the table with individual words is in A4:A8. Enter the following array formula in another cell, confirmed with C...
It’s good timing as I actually had this on my To-do List to write about once I ran out of Excel Factor entries. How to Lookup and Return Multiple Matches Let's take the example below where we want to find the 3 results for Bob. We can use the array formula below in cell E5 to...
An Alternative to the VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Columns in Excel Consider using the INDEX and MATCH functions as an alternative to VLOOKUP for returning multiple columns. The formula in cell C15 would be: =INDEX(B5:F12,MATCH(B15,B5:B12,0),{2,3,4,5}) Press Enter. This retrieves specifi...
Step 2 – Excel TEXTJOIN or CONCATENATE Function to Put Multiple Values in One Cell Select the cell where you want to put the multiple-valued result into one cell. Enter this formula into the cell. =TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,F8:F10) PressEnterto see the result. ...
I'm trying to return multiple matches in the Calcs tab from the Data tab. Office 365.I've followed this tutorial Return Multiple Match Results in Excel...
Most lookup functions by default return either the 1st or the last match item. How do you return all matching multiple results in a lookup?How do you return all the customers who bought the product below?USING VLOOKUP TO RETURN MULTIPLE RESULTS...
如果您想尋找一個值並傳回符合引用下方一行和右側三列的值,您可以套用此公式=INDEX(F1:H8,MATCH(K1,F1:F8,0)+1,3). 小費。如果您想快速查找一個值並返回另一列,請嘗試使用Kutools for Excel的在列表中查找值如以下屏幕截圖所示。 它在60天內無限制地提供完整功能,請下載並立即免費試用。
安装Kutools for Excel 后,请执行以下操作: 1.选择要根据另一列合并一列数据的数据范围。 2。 点击库工具>合并与拆分>高级组合行,请参见屏幕截图: 3.在弹出高级组合行对话框: 单击要基于其组合的键列名称,然后单击首要的关键. 然后单击要根据关键列合并数据的另一列,然后单击下拉列表操作字段,选择一个分隔符,...
1. VLOOKUP - Return multiple unique distinct values Ahmed Ali asks: How to return multiple values using VLOOKUP in Excel and removing duplicates? I have tried the formula to return multiple values using the index example and worked fine with no duplicate item but how can I list them without ...