Return Loss (RL) and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) are related through a mathematical relationship. You can convert between RL and VSWR using above two formulas. Return loss to VSWR calculator Following calculator can be used to convert return loss in dB to corresponding VSWR. Return Loss ...
如果SWR 值大于1, 则表示有一部分电波被反射回来,最终变成热量,使得馈线升温。 两者之间的关系:RL=20*log10[(VSWR+1)/(VSWR-1)] 驻波比 回波损耗(dB) 驻波比 回波损耗(dB) 1.01 46.064 1.26 18.783 1.02 40.086 1.27 18.493 1.03 36.607 1.28 18.216 1.04 34.151 1.29 17.949 1.05 32.256 1.30 17.6...
驻波比小于3,就是要求你的反射系数要小于1/2,也就是说你的功率损耗不能超过入射功率的25%,也就是说你的return loss要大于6db,return loss越大,你的信号反射的越少的,当然效率越高啦!好像工业上要求一般驻波比小于2的。
所以VSWR范围=1~∞,VSWR此值越大,说明接头处连接不好。 驻波一般 小于1.5,就馈线而言,驻波一般小于1.5,也有考虑工程余量,为1.3以下,GPS馈线要求VSWR 小于2.5 回波损耗=-20*LOG10((VSWR-1)/(VSWR+1))
VSWR table of return loss vs. voltage standing wave ratio RETURN LOSS VSWR (dB) 46.064 40.086 36.607 34.151 32.256 30.714 29.417 28.299 27.318 26.444 25.658 24.943 24.289 23.686 23.127 22.607 22.120 21.664 21.234 20.828 20.443 20.079 19.732 19.401 19.085 18.783 18.493 18.216 17.949 17.690 17.445 ...
2009 -- 10:19 App 001 理解施密特圆图 Understanding the Smith Chart 693 -- 12:53 App 004 理解矢量网络分析仪校准 Understanding VNA Calibration Basics 1068 -- 5:16 App 003 理解S参数 Understanding S Parameters 600 -- 9:21 App 015 理解相位噪声 Understanding Phase Noise - the Spectrum ...
VSWR-Returnloss VSWR,Return Loss and Transmission Loss vs.Transmitted Power Return Trans.Volt.Power Power Return Trans.Volt.Power Power Loss Loss Refl Trans Refl Loss Loss Refl Trans Refl VSWR(dB)(dB)Coeff(%)(%)VSWR(dB)(dB)Coeff(%)(%)1.00—.000.00100.0.0 1.641 4...
It is also possible to convert from return loss to VSWR jsut as easily as the other way round.Sometimes, for example whent he return loss is quited for an antenna, it might be useful to know what VSWR this would represent on the feeder.VSWR = 10Return Loss (db)20+110Return Loss ...
up to 50 meters or more at 7 GHz. Systems where the radio is mounted directly on the antenna are rarely measured at installation. This would be a production test measurement only. Like coaxial feeder systems, waveguide feeders are characterized at installation in terms of return loss (VSWR) ...
LossLossReflTransRefl VSWR(dB)(dB)Coeff(%)(%) 1.00—.000.00100.0.0 1.0146.1.000.00100.0.0 1.0240.1.000.01100.0.0 1.0336.6.001.01100.0.0 1.0434.2.002.02100.0.0 1.0532.3.003.0299.9.1 1.0630.7.004.0399.9.1 1.0729.4.005.0399.9.1 1.0828.3.006.0499.9.1 ...