Return of the Living Dead III: Directed by Brian Yuzna. With J. Trevor Edmond, Melinda Clarke, Kent McCord, James T. Callahan. Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught youth perfo
Return of the Living Dead III: Directed by Brian Yuzna. With J. Trevor Edmond, Melinda Clarke, Kent McCord, James T. Callahan. Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught youth perfo
In RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD PART II, the chemical Trioxin turned people into flesh eating zombies. Now the government is trying to control these unstoppable cannibalistic killers. The splatter-fest starts when a young man uses the chemical to bring his
These days he might be making nonsense like Amphibious Creature of the Deep, but Brian Yuzna’s directorial career began on a high with the excellent body horror satire Society, followed up by a good Re-Animator sequel. Then in 1993 came Return of the Living Dead 3, which, while not ...
片 名活死人归来3 上映时间1993年10月29日(美国) 导 演布莱恩·尤兹纳 又 名生人回避3 生撕人肉 芝加哥打鬼3 灵魔翻生... 编剧John Penne... 主 演肯特·麦克柯詹姆斯·T·卡伦汉Sarah Douglas美琳达·克拉克Abigail Lenz 剧情 寇特为军方科学家之子,其父在军中利用特殊药剂将死人复活。某日寇特女友茱莉车祸...
活死人归来3 Return of the Living Dead III (1994) 动图 û收藏 2 3 ñ14 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 人文艺术博主 3 公司 星际濒危怪形生物保护委员会 Ü 简介: 搬运各种地摊文化,怀古,奇想,猎奇,科幻,宅逼资源直达宇宙中心...
- Return of the Living Dead III (1994) 天使🙇♀️ 估计只有一些人会懂,但Julie绝对是90s恐影中最具代表性的角色之一。和嘉莉、Ginger(狼女)等为一列。Julie很独特,在生-死-半死半生间摆动,以及通过制造自己...
When Return of the Living Dead 3 was released in 1993, it was panned by fans and critics alike, ensuring its place on the bottom shelf in horror sections at video stores across the country. Instead of disappearing completely, Return of the Living Dead 3 became an o...
美国2001年08月28日 导演:布莱恩·尤兹纳 简体中文名:活死人归来3 类型:恐怖, 爱情, 科幻 制片国家/地区:美国 片长:97 分钟 编剧:约翰·彭尼 语言:英语, 西班牙语 imdb编号:tt0107953 又名:生人回避3, 活死人归来3, 生撕人肉 原名:Return of the Living Dead III ...