解释:一般美国买家着羞恶退货之后,可以联系卖家,要卖家给一个return label,这个标签上卖家通过快递公司的网络或实体经营点购买快递公司的预付费标签,就是卖家先给钱给快递,然后快递给卖家一张label标签,然后卖家把这个标签发给你,你再打印贴在你的退货包装上,然后你把货给这个快递公司,但是不需要你...
在eBay平台上,return label是一个很重要的概念。退货标签(return label)是指卖家预先支付快递费的一种标签,买家可以打印标签贴在退货产品的包装上,这样买家就不用支付快递费用了。买家可以在购买记录中找到对应的订单,查看退货详情,选择打印标签即可。如果卖家不能提供退货标签,商家可以在淘宝上购买快递公司的运输标签,...
【03-17 求助】..在ebay上买的东西,不满意,要退货。卖家同意了退货之后,系统提示我输入物流号并打印return label。我准备打印的时候系统提示我这个return lable要charge我6.4美金的费用。这
@brownjackpaws Try the blue print return label button on this page> https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066&st= If that doesn't work then ask eBay to step in and help on the 4th business day after opening the request> How to ask us t...
颇具名气 6 各位大佬,买家要退货,请问要如何提供return label呢? 居安思危in 颇具盛名 7 简单 郑开良123 小有美名 5 看你用什么物流,有的物流支持有的不支持 贴吧用户_QS3GSS5 崭露头角 2 你得到物流公司那买,买过来一般pdf文件格式下载下来发给买家 登录...
I would use the label you received through eBay. If your seller is responsible for the return shipping costs they will be charged for any under charge on the return label. If you are responsible for return shipping, I would still use the return shipping label. If there is a difference in...
Where to Return eBay items? Once you’re done with packaging the item for return, it’s now a matter of following the seller's shipping instructions provided during the return process. If a prepaid return shipping label is provided, print it out and attach it to the package. Retain the ...
Ebay offers merchants ways to accept and handle returns. Simply log into your portal to begin thereturns process. How to Print Etsy Return Labels: To begin the returns process for Etsy orders, you can follow the steps outlined in their articleHow to Purchase a Return Shipping Label. You can...
Founded in 2018, Return Helper is a data-driven return management solution that optimizes return process and the aftermarket activities for online retailers. We support all the major ecommerce platforms including Amazon and FBA, eBay, Walmart, Shopify, R