返回JsonpublicJsonResult GetJson() {varData =new{ demo = demoList, Total = demoList.Count};//在这里必须要设置JSON的请求行为为GETreturnJson(Data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}publicContentResult DoSelect(stringStudentId) {varresult ="success";returnContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatt...
1) Return the list of strings as a single, tab-delimited string as a JsonResult string tabSeparatedMessages = ""; foreach (string message in messageLog) { tabSeparatedMessages = tabSeparatedMessages + message; if (message != messageLog[messageLog.Count - 1]) { tabSeparatedMessages = t...
类型:System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult 视图结果。 注释 在执行此方法所准备的结果对象时,ASP.NET MVC 框架会将该对象写入响应。 4、return View(IView view); 参数 view 类型:System.Web.Mvc.IView 为响应呈现的视图。 返回值 类型:System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult 视图结果。 注释 在执行此方法所准备的结果对象时,ASP....
如果 model 是一个对象,Ok(model)与Json(model)的效果一样,都会响应序列化后的 json 字符串,...
public class MyTest { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "First Name")] public string Name { get; set; } public string PinCode { get; set; } } Also, Please check Using JSON.NET as the default JSON serializer in ASP.NET MVC 3 - is it possible? in case you want to replace the existin...
FruitCategoryController.cs 控制器 1publicActionResult SelectList()2{3returnView();4}5publicJsonResult SelectLists()6{7IEnumerable<SelectListItem> list =objFruitCategoryEntity.GetAll();8returnJson(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);9}
mvc返回 json androidmvcreturnview 1、returnView();返回值类型:System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult 将视图呈现给响应的 View() 结果。注释 View() 类的此方法重载将返回一个具有空 ViewName 属性的 ViewResult 对象。 如果你正在编写控制器操作的单元测试,则需为那些不采用字符串视图名称的单元测试考虑到空 ...
Language Javascript/Typescript Version 1.0.1 Description The library is sending an undesired/useless "Return a JSON object that uses the SAY command to say what you're thinking." prompt to the LLM that leads to poor results. I have a Bot...
Functionget_people_jsonresult(OptionalidAsInteger=0)AsJsonResultDimpeoplesAsNewList(Ofpeople)ForEachcAsdtb_peopleIndb.dtb_people.OrderBy(Function(x) x.c_lastname).ToArrayDimpeepAsNewpeople peep.firstname = c.c_firstname peep.lastname = c.c_lastname ...
How Remove backslash from JSON Result -DataSet How resolve Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. while reading CSV file How set <Div> value using Asp.net C# how should i know AntiForgeryToken is working? how should I storage a percentage, float, double, decimal ?? Ho...