Returning an array from a function <? function myFunction2($meal, $tax, $tip) { $tax_amount = $meal * ($tax / 100); $tip_amount = $meal * ($tip / 100); $total_notip = $meal + $tax_amount; $total_tip = $meal + $tax_amount + $tip_amount; return array($total_notip,...
$l[$settings['spellcheck_dict']] =array(); } $l[$settings['spellcheck_dict']] = $row['id']; }return$l; } 开发者ID:BackupTheBerlios,项目名称:viscacha-svn,代码行数:14,代码来源:function.variables.php class="ubox"colspan="2"> <?phpecho$lang->phrase('admin_packages_language_edit_tra...
* 注释若干 * 以下是一个格式如config.php的文件 */ return array( 'config1' => 'some value', 'config2' => 'some value', ); 在这个文件中,直接就写了一个return,这个用法又一次突破了我的常识。特意查询了一下文档,里面这样描述的: return If called from within a function, the return() state...
This article will introduce how to return a 2D array from a function in C++. Use Pointer Notation to Return 2D Array From Function in C++ Return by the pointer is the preferred method for larger objects rather than returning them by value. Since the 2D array can get quite big, it’s be...
In that example with 1D array all you need is <$y>, as that is the index. You can `echo $y;`, or you can return $y if you make it into a function 👍 22nd Nov 2019, 5:48 AM Ipang 0 Ash I'm afraid without $ (dollar sign) the code won't run. But anyways, here's...
<?php $jobs = array( array('id'=>'LW12345','MK'=>1,'jobTitle'=>'C4BH35','jobStartDate' => date("d/m/Y"),'qty'=>5000,'jobDuration'=>'3:00'), array('id'=>'LW15783','MK'=>1,'jobTitle'=>'C4BH75','jobStartDate' => date("d/m/Y",strtotime("+ 1 day")),'qty...
Modify an Existing Array to Return Array From Function in Arduino In Arduino, we can initialize an array with a given size; after initializing an array, we can add or replace the values of the array using a function. If we want to initialize and create an array inside a function and the...
// Rust program to return an array// from the functionfnGetArray()->[i32;5] {letmutarr:[i32;5]=[10,20,30,40,50];returnarr; }fnmain() {letarr=GetArray(); println!("Array Elements: ");fori in0..5{ println!("{0} ", arr[i]); } } ...
开发者ID:mtisza,项目名称:pfsense,代码行数:54,代码来源 示例2: get_gatewaystats ▲点赞 6▼ functionget_gatewaystats(){ $a_gateways =return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status =array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); ...
What I get is an array w/ only the most recent array entry. I have tried several things; return(), array_push(), php manual, and a more than a few days searching online for a similar example. Any help is greatly appreciated.