I need to differentiate between errors in my front end by sending back an error code from the validation. Currently errors will just send back thestring errorMessage, from something like return new ValidationResult("Some error message"). Can i somehow send back an error code, using an enum ...
I have a function that shouldn't return a result, but can possibly return an error, so I have the return type as Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>>. The functions my function calls have return types like Result<T, Err1> and Option<V>. I want to minimize the amount of ...
Active Directory Error: Unknown Error (0x80005000) Active Directory problem: Check if a user exists in C#? Active Directory User does not assign User logon name and User Principal Name AD LDS cannot ChangePassword, but it can SetPassword Add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone...
The specified source shape and corridor distance would result in a corridor with coordinates that exceed the valid coordinate range.SE_SHAPE_INTEGRITY_ERROR (-82)Returned by low-level code indicating an error in the integrity of a shape.
SQLException - if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed Statement or the given SQL statement produces anything other than a single ResultSet objectSome JDBC drivers apparently just ignore and discard DDL and DML results in executeQuery() rather than throwin...
An empty result set is not the same as a null value. For a scrollable cursor, all the rows in the result set are returned to the calling batch, procedure, or trigger when the procedure exits. When returned, the cursor position is left at the position of the last fetch executed in the...
The named counter call interface has three warning return codes (1 - 3), which indicate result overflows for a request that otherwise completed normally. If more than one warning return code applies for the same request, the highest applicable warning re
11410 or 0CEquate Symbol: #ALRC_MODULE_DELETE_FAILED Explanation: If the return code is #ALRTN_RESOURCE_ERROR, that means there was an error calling the DELETE service. If the return code is #ALRTN_BAD_PARAMETERS, that means CELAAUTH's internal delete service is called with bad parameters...
org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 2 Cause This error is caused by a duplicate value in the database. This might be due to: Some corruption in the directory cache. Corruption in the datab...
On the other hand, a function is a named code block that performs some actions with the purpose of computing a final value or result, which is then sent back to the caller code. Both procedures and functions can act upon a set of input values, commonly known as arguments. In Python, ...