$this顾名思义就是指类本身,需要注意的一点是$this 只能在类内部使用。否则将出错。
Laravel里很多 return $this着实不明白这是什么原理,百度后发现如下比较好的解释:class sum { private $num1; private $num2; public function num1($n) { $this->num1 =$n; return $this; } public function num2($n) { $this->num2=$n; return $this; } public function sum() { return $thi...
thinkphp中return $this->fetch的问题 当reture放在foreach循环外面,也就是现在的位置的时候,会报错。如下图。但当return放在foreach语句里面的时候就不会报错,但因为return会结束语句,这也就导致了foreach只执行了一次循环 解决方法 error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);...
在此示例代码中:public function user(){ return $this->belongsTo(User::class);}public function sandwich(){ return $this->belongsTo(Sandwich::class);}我想知道User::class叫什么,因为你也可以这样写上面的例子:public function user(){ return $this->belongsTo(\App\User);}public function sandwich()...
第一次在yii2中使用ajax来请求controller,做的是第三方登录,facebook和google登录。 登录成功应该跳转到首页,想当然的以为用return $this->goHome()可以,发现不行,其实通过打印首页地址是可以获取到首页地址,但就是无法跳转。 查资料查半天,费了老多功夫,发现可以把跳转地址返给前端,通过js window.location去跳转到...
return $this->fetch(); 致命错误: Call to a member function fetch() on null来源:5-1 视图view Tinywan 2017-06-24 22:16致命错误: Call to a member function fetch() on null protected function fetch($template = '', $vars = [], $replace = [], $config = []) { return $this->view...
2019-12-09 10:20 −因为要取两个集合不同的元素,所以写了个拓展方法,用到了yield这个关键字,然后就学习了一波。先上代码 public static IEnumerable<T> NoRetainAll<T>(this IList<T> source, IList<T&... 华临天下 0 1757 函数的返回值return ...
Why does this example ^ complain that .join() isn't a function, instead of displaying an alert, "foobar"? Here's the script, jQuery(function ($) { alert($('input').map(function () { return $(this).val(); }).join('')); ...
In this article The break statement The continue statement The return statement The goto statement Show 2 more The jump statements unconditionally transfer control. Thebreakstatementterminates the closest enclosingiteration statementorswitchstatement. Thecontinuestatementstarts a new iteration of the closest ...
In this article The break statement The continue statement The return statement The goto statement Show 2 more The jump statements unconditionally transfer control. Thebreakstatementterminates the closest enclosingiteration statementorswitchstatement. Thecontinuestatementstarts a new iteration of the closest ...