An advanced organoleptic study has been carried out on both technical flax fibers and manufactured composites to study in more detail the effects of the processing and retting on the visual aspect. Organoleptic analysis shows that flax, as well as biobased composites, lose saturation and luminance...
(rĕt) v.ret·ted,ret·ting,rets To moisten or soak (flax, for example) in order to soften and separate the fibers by partial rotting. v.intr. To become so moistened or soaked. [Middle Englishreten, probably from Middle Dutchreeten.] ...
Bast Fibers References in periodicals archive ? The water retting process takes long time, and always results in a serious ecological problem. Comparison between dew-retted and enzyme-retted flax fibers as reinforcing material for composites The analysis (17) compared traditional hemp warm water ret...
The degree of retting of gradually rettedflax fiberswas assessed. • This parameter influences thetensile propertiesof single fibers. • This also influences thetensile propertiesof shortfiber composite materials. • These differences rely on the fiber properties and the microstructure of the mater...
2020). Plant fibers are assembled in bundles containing 10 to 40 elementary fibers, with parenchyma cells separating the fiber bundles (Wang et al. 2011). Unlike flax fibers, which consist only of primary fibers, hemp fibers are composed of both primary and secondary fibers (Placet et al. ...
Flax fiber is one of the oldest natural bast fibers and has been used in the textile, material and medical fields because of its desirable properties1–3. Products made of flax fiber, as well as fibers from other plants such as hemp, kenaf, ramie and jute, can be substituted for ...
6) flax retting wastewater 沤麻废水 例句>> 补充资料:沤麻(retting for bast fibers) 沤麻(retting for bast fibers) 获得麻纤维的初加工技术。分水浸和雨露沤麻两种。水浸沤麻,是将收割的麻株或剥下的麻皮,浸泡于水中,进行发酵,以获其中之纤维。寸露沤麻是将收获的麻株平铺于田间,通过雨露浸润发酵制纤。
More controllable retting procedures to produce quality fibers from flax are sought by applying chelators at high pH and enzyme chelating formulations at lower pH. Using the Fried Test as an in vitro method for evaluating fiber separation from shive, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) at 8 mM...
Wastewater Retting flax Fenton oxidation Granular activated carbon Kinetic study 1. Introduction Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is the main source of high quality bast fibers of which linen is produced. Egypt is considered one of the oldest countries in farming and manufacturing flax. The history ...
Antimicrobial properties of flax fibers in the enzyme retting process retting"GB/T 20944.3-2008--Part 3: Shake flask method" was applied to assess the antimicrobial property of flax fibres. The antimicrobial efficiency of ... Y Tian,X Liu,X Zheng,... - 《Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Euro...