精神发育迟滞如能查明病因,则应与原发疾病的诊断并列。并且鼓励使用ICD-10的附加编码(如70.3重度精神发育迟滞,加E00先天性缺碘综合征)。 注:我国常用Wechsler智力测验测评智商,并建议用儿童社会适应行为量表测评社会功能。 1.1轻度精神发育迟滞 诊断标准:(1)智商在50~69之间,心理年龄约9~12岁;(2)学习成绩差(在普...
(1994). Debate and argument: Having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35, 377-378.Gillberg, C. (1994). Debate and argument: having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense. Journal of Child ...
Debate and Argument: Having Rett Syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD Category Does Not Make Sense Christopher,Gillberg - 《Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry》 被引量: 47发表: 1994年 Debate and argument: having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense C Gillberg - 《...
网络雷特氏症候群;雷特症候群;瑞特综合征 网络释义
Atypical Rett syndrome的数据库代码 根据《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病表征》,非典型Rett综合征的数据库编码是;ICD编码是F84.2 如何做非典型Rett综合征基因解码、基因检测? 致电4001601189,可以得到佳学基因遗传咨询师、基因解码师的帮助。一般需要确定项目内容,填写申请表格,按要求采集样品,并邮寄到佳学基因的实验室。
Rett Syndrome (RTT), caused by a loss-of-function in the epigenetic modulator: X-linked methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2), is a pervasive neurological disorder characterized by compromised brain functions, anxiety, severe mental retardation, language and learning disabilities, repetitive stereotype...
(1994). Debate and argument: Having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense. Journal of Child Psychol- ogy and Psychiatry, 35,... Gillberg,Christopher - 《Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines》 被引量: 40发表: 1994年 Prevalence of pervasive de...
Both ICD- 10 and DSM-IV have numerous categories that refer to psychiatric disorders due to diseases of, or damage to the brain. The author agrees that Rett syndrome is a neurological condition, even though often it first presents as a failure in mental development. It is important to be ...
(1994). Debate and argument: having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 35 , 377–8.Gillberg, C. (1994). Debate and argument: Having Rett syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD category does not make sense. Journal of Child...
The Rett syndrome is viewed as a developmental disorder in which the evolving clinical signs are due to the effects of maturation and aging on an ... AM Kerr - 《Brain & Development》 被引量: 71发表: 1992年 Debate and Argument: Having Rett Syndrome in the ICD-10 PDD Category Does Not...